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Tantric Date Nite: Come Together in Love for Valentine’s Day

Saturday Feb 15

from 7-9pm ET

Virtual (live, not recorded)

Pricing Options: $60/$45 per couple

Reignite the spark in your relationship and set the tone for a juicy year ahead. Tantric Date Nite is for YOU --for both of you and each of you!

Rather than a night OUT,  get cozy for a night IN. (Re)connect to each other through meditation, breath, dancing, guided sharing, and giving + receiving touch. Get ready to (re)digest pleasure, (re)kindle pleasurable moments, and remember why you're together. How can you ask for and receive support? How can you give support? Guided sharing will help you both consider:

  • What do I want?  

  • What do we want?  

  • What will bring us in alignment with those desires? 

Learn ways to play and meet the scary with softness--asking yourself and each other, “How do I want you to touch me? How do I want to touch you?” Practice opening and exploring the senses! You’ll experience the benefits of slowing down, co-regulating, and relaxing the body + mind. Find more presence with yourself– then find more presence and connection with each other.

  • Are you struggling to connect in joy, love, play, fun and connection as a couple?

  • Have the difficulties and strains of  the past year(s) been hard on each of you individually, and as a couple? Are you both stressed out? Burnt out and just “keeping it together?”

  • Are you stuck on the couch watching Netflix?  

  • Are you doing “okay” as a couple, but would like a boost to realign your daily life, and connect more deeply to your sense of intimacy?

  • Would you like a safe space to explore rekindling and remembering new and old ways you could connect?

Over the years Marisa has collected and created a vast array of exercises.  Some are from the Sri Vidya Tantric Lineage, some are Exercises from the Wheel Of Consent, and some have evolved from the many years of Tantric Date Nites. 

This session will be a celebration of Imbolc - the Pagan holiday that became Valentine's Day. It’s a playful creative way to set intentions for Valentine's Day; reconnect and rekindle individual and collective goals around pleasure, connection, fun, sexual health and well being. Explore what is important for the two of you as a couple, and bring it into this holiday in a meaningful way.  

Note: This class is open to couples of any gender, sexuality, etc. LGBTQIA+ welcome.

[ Join Tantric Date Nite ]

February 14

Breathwork for Sexual Empowerment

February 16

Breast/Chest Massage for Self Love and Nourishment