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Hacks to More Pleasure and Joy in Sex and Life

*In Partnership with Rise Gatherings



Join Marisa to learn simple ways to pause and slow down to notice what is working and the "internal enthusiastic YES" that leads to more pleasure and joy. Discover exercises to drop-into what we really want and find the muscle to trust and honor our own wants.

Bring A Journal

  • Self-reflect and be guided to put your thoughts on paper.

Enjoy Interacting

  • Engage with the other women attending in meaningful conversation.

Take Time for You

  • Give yourself the time and space to immerse in the experience.

About Rise: When we strengthen our own light we are able to shine it brighter and have the impact we desire in our lives and our world. Rise Gatherings is a community for women to come and explore topics and experiences, connect more deeply with themselves and each other, and receive what they need to be all of themselves. 

Now is the time to Rise.

[Join the Free Workshop]

October 30

Breast/Chest Massage for Witching Magic

November 19

Tantric Date Night: Honoring One Another with Presence