*Sliding Scale $25-40
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sadly, we aren’t taught and don’t practice healthy loving Breast/Chest Massage--even massage therapists skip over the breasts in post-colonial culture.. We often only touch them to look for lumps and problems, or we touch them for sexual pleasure.
The health and well being of the Breast and Chest tissue is interwoven and interconnected to the entire body. By caring for the Breast and Chest tissue- we send nourishment and open a myriad of opportunities of greater well being to ourselves physically and emotionally.
Do your breasts hurt during menstruation?
Do you have trouble accepting the size or shape of your breasts?
Do you feel skilled in touching your breasts for your own pleasure and nourishment?
It’s time to connect with your Magic in this Breast Massage Circle!
In this workshop we will practice an extended self care routine and explore all the benefits of Breast and Chest massage.
Bring well being into the lymph system, the heart and circulatory system, the lungs and the breath.
Create space to release grief and loss held in the center of the heart.
Create space to connect to your inner Witch and listen to her healing wisdom.
This month we are waking up Magic and Spell Casting with our Breasts. Ever hear, "Colder than a Witch’s Tit?” Or that in witch hunts, they sought out women with "a third nipple’'“—said to be where the devil sucked. In this Breast/Chest Massage we take back our Breasts for our own magic making. We honor our ancestors. We are the witches they could not burn. Even as we take our Breasts and use them for igniting magic and spell casting we will also grieve and mourn for all the losses of the wise women, the holders of the herbal medicine and the cultural women's wisdom who were murdered in witch hunts, in the Inquisition.
We explore a whole range of therapeutic and varied touch. We will reflect on our relationship to our Breast and Chest tissue and the touch and care they have received. In a supportive container we will discuss our relationship to our Breasts and Chests.
This class is open to women and people who would like to interact with their Breasts/Chest. People with top surgeries and mastectomy are most welcome. The class will address scar tissue care.