*Tuesday, February 13th
*From 7-9pm
*Maha Rose (200 Columbia Street, Brooklyn)
*Exchange: $50
Tantric Date: A Date with Yourself in the Season of Love
What is a Tantric Date with Yourself? It is, exactly as it sounds, it is a Date with Yourself, and it is Tantric Flavored. Instead of a date with a lover, or a romantic partner or even a friend, this event is a Date with Yourself!!
Whether you are wanting to live single, not at all interested in dating, simply wanting to live a richer fuller life with Yourself, or if you are engaged in dating, and want to yummy up with Yourself on nights when you don't have a date, or even if you are in a relationship and you want to better enjoy your days and nights alone with yourself when your Honey is busy or traveling, this class is for you. The experiential workshop will provide fun, sexy and creative ways to Enjoy Yourself.
Marisa first learned of this concept from reading and practicing Julia Cameron’s book, “The Artist’s Way.” Cameron suggests taking your inner artist out on an “Artist Date” once a week (or once a month if that is what you can manage). Marisa loved the practice and found it very helpful to her creativity when she was a theater artist and writer.
Marisa continued the practice of taking herself on dates after she stopped actively creating theater. She started taking herself on dates, doing the kinds of things she would want to do with dates and future lovers and romantic partners. She felt she was telling the Universe, ”Here I am, I have the time and energy to do this.” She even thought she might, and on occasion did, meet potential dates on these outings with herself.
But then Marisa realized it was important to really know how to have delightful fun with herself, because honestly, we just might end up alone, a lot. And it just made life freer, easier, and again, more fun. If she wanted to travel, if she was alone for long periods of life for whatever reason, she wanted delight, and of course there was the insane Pandemic. And well, life….because sometimes we build community and are surrounded in it and sometimes communities breakdown and we are without people for periods of time.
We will play games and exercises from the Wheel of Consent, we will talk about how to not just self pleasure and “get off” but how to make love to ourselves and how to be in healing energy with Ourselves. We will talk about our Juice and how to be Juicy for our Health, Radiance and Creativity.
Tantra means to expand. To live all of life as sacred, to live so that all of Life is an offering, of Beauty, of Healing, of Creative Life Force. This includes how we parent, eat, make our livilihoods, and have sex and Pleasure.
We will also Honor and Play with the Idea of how we are dancing and Playing with the other than Human, Nature, Angels, Spirit, the Divine when we are our Alone with Ourselves in Love and Play. We may even feel Making Love with the Divine/Spirit/Nature as Lover.
Marisa is an intermittently disabled person living with chronic illness and pain. This has led her to study and understand disability politics. She frequently works with other disabled folks and folks with chronic illness on Living a Life with Pleasure and Joy in a body with pain and illness.
And she works with plenty of well and able bodied people.
Be ready to Move, Dance
Open and Awaken the Senses
Talk about and Experience Regulating the Nervous System and how that relates to Pleasure
Be Playful, and outside the normal box
Let’s Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the Greatest Love we will ever have, Ourselves.
As Oscar Wilde said, "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."
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Come in comfortable to move clothing, but also you may want to wear "date clothes",
bring a journal and a pen.