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Womb Care Yoga

*Sunday, October 23 from 3:00pm-4:15pm ET


*Sliding Scale $12-25

It’s time to gather under the new moon. A space for women and folks with a womb, past or present.  A class to connect with the womb space for healing.  There will be movement, yoga, and other ways of engaging life in the pelvic bowl and all the organs in that space.  We will breath and investigate energy, creative energy, life force, and pelvic diaphragmatic buoyancy, lift and release.  We will find our grounding cord.  There will be room for support, listening and connection about the journey of the Womb Space.  Discomfort, loss, grief, rage and joy are all welcome.  We will listen to the Womb and that Listening is the Care.  

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