* Fringe, Brooklyn (298 Bond street, Gowanus)
*Exchange: $45
Learning how to have amazing sex is a learned skill and can be taught through exercises and awarenesses. It is a practice.
The results can be amazing. Healing. Not just in sex but all of life as all of life is a process of opening to giving and receiving and an exploration of the senses.
Whether you want better sex with a long term partner or in the process of dating, or even how to have awesome hook ups, and most important, how to have Ecstatic sex with yourself. It all is the same.
When we say have better sex, have great sex. That could mean having more and varied orgasms. But probably not. (Have you ever had an energy orgasm? How about a Laughter Orgasm?!!) It is more about dropping in to your body. Playing with the senses, expanding Pleasure and the capacity to explore all the emotions and flavors that come with Pleasure, Joy and Love which include grief, longing and all of it.
In this two hour evening we open a Tasting sampler of exercises and practices. We will take a peek at some anatomy lessons. It is so helpful to understand the equipment and the equipment is our body and nobody teaches us except the internet and are we looking at helpful and accurate models and how do we make it useful to experience awesome sex?
We explore breath and presence, and energy and how to light ourselves up, how to kindle our own juiciness.
And we play with asking the huge question, “What do we want?” Do we really ask and listen to ourselves or do we just take what is handed to us?
We explore “Waking up the Hands,” learning to take in more pleasure through our hands as we touch. And break apart the ideas of giving and receiving and start to really understand what it is to “Take” pleasure.
This class is for everyone. Singles couples everyone.
Everything is clothes on, no actual sex takes place in the class. We may become sensual and Sexual feelings may arise in the course of the class. The class will create a Brave container where choice, consent and embodiment is practiced at every turn. Expanding Sexual Pleasure is about opening the edges where we close off and shut down. The process of expanding Pleasure may and can bring up grief, and uncomfortable feelings. It is part of the process. It is a practice and takes time. This is a great starting point and also a great practice space for those already exploring.